Project Details
Modular Data Center – 2016
- Location: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
- Dimensions: 120,00m2
- TIER4DataCenter
- Characteristics:
- Civil Construction
- Modular Structure of Panels and Fire Doors 120′
- Raised Floor and Access Ramps
- Network and Electrical Boards
- Generator Group
- InfraStruXure System (UPS’s and Racks)
- EcoBreeze free-cooling environment system
- IG55 Fire Detection and Extinguishing System
- Monitoring System
- Structured Cabling
Energy Efficiency on IPT Campus – 2019
Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: Improvement of the overall energy performance of the IPT infrastructure, with the main objectives of reducing energy expenditure, the carbon footprint (by increasing the sustainability of the energy generated), implementing the use of renewable energies and provide thermal comfort to its users more appropriate to the climatic characteristics of the region in which it is located. The operation aims at a set of interventions in the buildings of the IPT campus, such as: alteration of materials and technical solutions (glass, window frames and roof insulation), replacement of luminaires, inclusion of solar-photovoltaic equipment for the production of electricity, to own consumption and DHW heating, implementation of intelligent energy management software, and monitoring and control audits. As a result of the interventions to be carried out, it is expected that the buildings on the IPT Campus will rise by 2 levels in the energy class classification, having as a starting point the classification of Energy Class “C” assigned and certified before the interventions.